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There is something so amazing about getting to witness a little life in a mama’s belly become a cuddly newborn and then turn into a rambunctious 1 year old!!  Getting to photograph Zoe (and her mama and daddy) at these 3 stages has been so special to me!! 

Pflugradt Family Portraits


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It is my privilege to introduce you to the beautiful Zoe Jane!  She is such a loved and prayed for little girl and she was definitely one of my most cooperative clients yet!  (she pretty much slept the entire session)  God’s gift of new life is certainly one of the most amazing things to witness!  Enjoy!

Welcome Baby Zoe!


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I met Rebecca back in 2005 when I was working in Richmond and we reconnected a few years ago when she and her husband moved to Harrisonburg.   There is something really special about getting to witness God’s blessings in the life of someone else – meeting her when she was…

Rebecca & Cori | Maternity


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This free group is for moms (and moms-to-be) around Harrisonburg, Rockingham County, Charlottesville, and the surrounding areas. And when you join this free Facebook group, it is my mission to provide you with an encouraging, supportive, and authentic place where we can share wins, resources, and connections in the local community. From the challenges to the joys - let's all support each other!

And in here, you'll also be notified of my limited edition sessions and get the opportunity to be one of the first to grab your spot when those do get announced!


Candid, supportive, and real.

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