Women In Motion for Expert Physical Therapy Post-Pregnancy

A mother to be in a teal maternity dress walks through snow while holding her bump women in motion

Let’s take a second to be really honest about something. We’ve all heard that joke about how motherhood means peeing a little when you laugh or sneeze, or jump. People don’t talk about the fact that this isn’t exactly normal. Pregnancy puts your body through a lot, and labor can destroy your pelvic floor. Thankfully, there are tons of options out there that will help you repair it so you can run a 5K without being a poster child for Poise pads. If you’re looking for a way to help your body during and after pregnancy, I’d love to tell you about Women in Motion. This amazing PT office is here to equip you to handle all the stresses of growing a baby!

About Women in Motion

Women in Motion is a physical therapy office started by Dr. Michelle Little in 2020. Dr. Little received her doctorate in physical therapy, focusing on sports medicine. She saw the huge gap in women’s health care and started working on her post-doctorate to address it. 

Dr. Little is joined by a team of experts equally passionate about women’s health. They provide orthopedic, pelvic health, and wellness services. The office is run completely by women so that you can avoid potential discomfort. You can check out the team at 1747 Allied St, Suite D. 

A mother-to-be in a teal maternity dress stands in a snowy forest while holding her bump women in motion


Throughout pregnancy, the constant rush of hormones loosen your ligaments, which can lead to some nasty tears. Women in Motion provides orthopedic services to help you counter this. These regular appointments will teach you exercises to address tailbone pain, sciatica, round ligament pain, plantar fasciitis, and more. The office will also work with you after your baby is born to help with ailments such as diastasis recti and hernias. 

The center provides restorative pelvic floor exercises that you can do throughout and after pregnancy. Not only are they going to help you get through labor, but they’ll also assist with postpartum recovery. They focus on problems such as urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, bladder urgency and pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, and vaginismus. This is such a helpful option for letting you take your life back from some of the more uncomfortable effects of pregnancy!

A mother to be walks and plays with her teal maternity dress in a snowy forest


The center takes the time to help you with general wellness in the prenatal and postpartum stages. They’ll work with you to figure out an exercise plan, perform a running or lifting assessment, prepare you for the many aspects of pregnancy, and ensure your body is ready once it’s time to push! It’s an excellent option for those who want to maintain their activity level safely.

Women In Motion

If you’ve been searching for a place that will help your body following the physical strains of pregnancy, check out Women in Motion. This woman-run office provides expert physical therapy to get you feeling great again! 

As a mom myself, I know about all the twists and turns of parenthood. This season is typically chaotic, and finding someone who understands that can be hard. I’m here to break down these barriers! I’ve started a free mom’s group on Facebook where we can chat and swap helpful tricks and recommendations. I also regularly provide motherhood content and take family pictures so you can have gorgeous memories of this wonderful time. If you’ve considered booking family photos, I’d love to connect! Contact me today to find out more. 

This free group is for moms (and moms-to-be) around Harrisonburg, Rockingham County, Charlottesville, and the surrounding areas. And when you join this free Facebook group, it is my mission to provide you with an encouraging, supportive, and authentic place where we can share wins, resources, and connections in the local community. From the challenges to the joys - let's all support each other!

And in here, you'll also be notified of my limited edition sessions and get the opportunity to be one of the first to grab your spot when those do get announced!


Candid, supportive, and real.

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